As you develop a brand strategy, it helps if you start from the beginning. Simply put, start by setting your company objectives. What are you building on with your company? What do you want to accomplish?
It is a mistake to try to copy what other companies have done, because you will probably not be successful. What you need to do is create something that stands out and becomes your unique selling proposition. Your brand strategy becomes your unique selling proposition (USP) and it allows you to position yourself as the place your customers go to for great quality, exceptional value and personal service.
There is one very important concept that you must understand in order to create a powerful brand strategy. What does every touchpoint of your new brand tell your customer experience? Each touchpoint is a communication with the customer and as the company grows you can expect that each touchpoint becomes a communication with the customer. You want your customers to remember you every time they use your product or service. If you only deliver the best and you don’t make any changes, then you won’t be in business long.
But how do you determine what your competitors are doing right? What have they done correctly to build a brand identity that people love? How have they positioned their brand strategy to become your unique selling proposition? The truth is that no two businesses are alike. Each business started somewhere fresh with a different product or service, and now they are trying to evolve their brand strategy to become competitive in today’s marketplace. Every successful company must continually evolve their business model to remain relevant and up to date in today’s market.
Your brand strategy becomes your roadmap to success. Every successful company has an effective brand performance plan (often referred to as a B.S. ), which provides them a sense of direction and outlines their strategy for marketing, sales, customer service, and operations. While these plans will vary from company to company, having a consistent brand strategy will help you identify your target audience, establish your vision, and set your expectations.
Today, many companies are beginning to recognize the importance of multi-product branding to their success. Multi-product branding is a strategy that not only sets your company apart but also allows you to leverage multiple products while developing a consistent and recognizable image. The key to developing a successful multi-product branding strategy is to develop consistent images across all your products. In addition to consistency across your products, the images should be consistent within your organization. For example, you may want to create a consistent logo and look on all of your brochures and advertisements. Although a single logo may work well on paper, it may not be appropriate to use on your T-Shirt’s because the logo will need to be larger and draw more attention to achieve the same effect.
Baloydi Lloydi is the content manager of Asknoypi.