At one point or another in your life, it isn’t hard to make a mistake with a credit card. Those can only be repaired over time. However, there are times when your credit score might be inaccurate, or you might need legal help working on your credit score. Sometimes you can repair your credit score…

Return on investments or ROI refers to a ratio calculated on investments made by the investor over time. A high ROI simply means that the gains from an investment compared favourably to the initial investment. ROI is frequently used as a key performance indicator by investors to gauge the profitability of an investment or compare…

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a set of strategies that allow companies to monitor, understand, and optimize customer relationships through the efficient utilization of the company’s data and processes. Customer relationship management identifies both the processes that are inefficient and suggests methods for restructuring those processes to improve customer satisfaction. The overall goal of this…

In business, customer lifetime value, or just life-time value is an estimation of the net profit at the end of a representative period by an individual customer. The number one way to create customer loyalty and increase customer retention is to continuously develop the relationship with current customers. Developing a long-term relationship with new customers…

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the act of enhancing the quality and volume of site visitors to a site or a blog from search engines. This enhances the searchability of a site in search results. It helps a site to stand apart from the competition. SEO targets mainly unpaid, but some paid, traffic rather than…

Text messaging, also called short messaging, is now one of the major forms of instant communication that involves the transmission and generation of short text messages from one or more wireless handsets. In other words, short messaging is a method of sending and getting short text messages from wireless phones. It also goes by other…

In advertising, customer lifetime value, customer lifetime income, or long-term customer income is a statistical computation of the net gain or loss obtained from a customer. It is expressed as a percentage of overall revenue. Other factors such as level of service, price, and target market affect the calculation of this number but it is…

Social media are digital, interactive technologies which enable the generation or sharing/ exchanges of content, ideas, profession interests, and various other types of expression through virtual communities and online networks. It is a new development of traditional media like print, television and radio which have given people a new avenue to express themselves creatively and…

In advertising, publicity is basically the publicity or public awareness for any particular product, service or company. It can also refer to that movement of news about any product, service, or company to the general public, usually through the press. Publicity has a very important part in the world of advertising, because without it, there…