City of Franklin Releases Public Review Draft of Updated Zoning Ordinance

Public Can Review through Summer and Give Feedback

Post Date: 05/29/2019 4:30 AM

Franklin–The City of Franklin’s Department of Planning and Sustainability and their planning consultant, Town Planning & Urban Design Collaborative, LLC (TPUDC) have recently completed a major update to the City’s Zoning Ordinance and have released a Public Review Draft. The draft has been made available for public review through the summeron the project website at

The goal of the Zoning Ordinance update is to guide the type of high-quality, vibrant and sustainable development prescribed by Envision Franklin. Throughout the update process, planning staff has met with design professionals, development review team staff, and members of the Franklin Municipal Planning Commission and the Board of Mayor and Alderman. Franklin-based planning firm TPUDC is providing expertise in zoning, urban design, graphic design, and community engagement. 

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In February 2019, TPUDC and City staff hosted PlanapaloozaTM, a code demonstration and design process where stakeholders and the community had the opportunity to work directly with the consultant team. PlanapaloozaTM included presentations, workshops and round table discussions on topics such as neighborhood character, architecture, and land use.  TPUDC’s planners tested draft zoning concepts through prototypical urban design scenarios. The input received during PlanapaloozaTM has played a valuable part in the drafting of the updated Ordinance.

The City and TPUDC will facilitate several public events throughout the project, which is expected to conclude with the adoption of the new ordinance in early 2020. Additional meetings with the public and stakeholders will take place over the next few months, including a public Open House on Thursday, August 15 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at City Hall. The Open House will provide the public with an opportunity to review the zoning ordinance update with City staff and the consultants, and to provide additional feedback on the draft.

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To review and provide comments on the Draft Zoning Ordinance, please visit Paper copies of the plan are also available for review in the Department of Planning and Sustainability.

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