Return on investment or ROI is a ratio comparing total expenses and profits earned on an investment over a period of time. A high ROI simply means that the actual returns on the investment more than cancel out the cost. ROI is often used as a leading performance indicator to compare the profitability of an investment to other investments or to assess the efficiency of a particular investment. Using ROI as a measure of the profitability of an investment allows managers and owners of large businesses to plan and evaluate their investments more effectively. In fact, some financial planners use return on investment (ROI) as the primary indicator to help determine whether an investment will be successful or not.

There are many ways to calculate return on investment. One way is through basic analysis using historical data. By analysing past performance, a manager can calculate the expected ROI of an investment. The other way to calculate ROI is through current price and sales ratios. Return on investment can also be calculated by looking at industry average ratios.

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Return on investment can also be calculated with a simple formula. The formula is quite easy to understand. All an investor has to do is calculate the present value of each hypothetical investment and then subtract the present value of the total investments by the total expected profits on a yearly basis. This will give a value for the future stream of income or profit. There is only one rule to remember in this formula: buy low and sell high.

There are many types of investment vehicles that can be used in calculating roi. For instance, if an investor is looking at a business that has potential, he or she may wish to consider a partnership. When considering the calculation of ROI, the factor that has the greatest impact is the cost of capital. A higher cost of capital means that the total profit over time is less than the initial investment. Therefore, an investor would choose to invest in a business that has a lower cost of capital.

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Another popular method of calculating roi involves looking at short-term investments. These types of investments to make money in the short-term because they are based on a sound strategy. These investments may have a high profit margin but pay out slowly over a number of years. An investor who is looking for quick cash should therefore choose to focus on these types of investments. If an investor has a long-term plan for investing his or her money, they should stick with bonds or stocks as their investment vehicle.

Return on Investment can also be measured through another popular metric, profit margin. This metric measures how profitable an investment is by the amount of profit earned over a period of time. Different companies will have different profit margins; therefore, it is important to choose an investment that has a positive profit margin. Because this type of metric is considered to be somewhat reliable, most investors prefer to use it when calculating ROI.

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