If you are into video games or are on YouTube for any amount of time you have probably heard of AngelMelly. Many people who see her fun and goofy videos end up wanting to know more about her. Today you will get a chance to learn more about her. We have gathered all of the public information we could find and put it into one place.


AngelMelly was born on May 27, 1998 in Sydney, Australia, making her Zodiac sign Gemini. Her first name is Melissa. She is a Christian and is proud of it. This is listed on her Facebook. You will find that a lot of websites have her listed as American but that is not true, in multiple places she claims proudly that she is an Aussie.

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In 2015 AngelMelly created her YouTube channel. Her channel was designed to be a place for her singing and gaming. Now her channel has over 500,000 subscribers and over 37,000,000 views.

Melissa currently focuses her gameplay on Call of Duty and Fortnite.

In October of 2018 she gained extra notoriety when popular YouTuber Mr Beast donated just over 2,000 Australian Dollars to her on a live stream. This left AngelMelly speechless temporarily and exposed a lot of Mr Beast fans to her.

On AngelMelly’s official Facebook she describes herself as a silly Australian girl who loves both singing and gaming. In watching her videos you can tell that she enjoys what she does but it is just as obvious that she is very silly. This is why her subscribers love her.

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At one point in her life, AngelMelly auditioned for Australian version of X Factor. She made it to the boot camp round. After that she became well-known for her YouTube singing series “She sings?!” If you want to watch her X Factor audition it can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEmbGTiQarA. She also talks about what it was like to be on X Factor in that video.

Estimates of AngelMelly’s net worth are quite varied with some putting it as low as 100,000 AUD and others going as high as a million. This is due to Melissa controlling a lot of the information that gets released into the public about herself. No matter what her net worth is, her YouTube channel looks like it is going places. With very few exceptions, AngelMelly (the channel) has been gaining subscribers every week.

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Official AngelMelly merchandise can be found at https://shop.spreadshirt.com/Angelmelly/. Merchandise includes shirts, mugs, mouse pads, and other clothes. Most of her merchandise features drawn versions of herself, some of them being in the chibi art style. These are part of how AngelMelly makes income.

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