Many people from around the world have given Donald Trump a hard time since he put his name up for the election. The constant allegations about foreign countries and harassment are just an example of that. People talk about getting rid of Trump but after a year of his presidency no impeachment process has begun. That is because Trump is actually a good president.


Trump is a pretty straight shooter. He tells you what he wants to do it and does it. There is no talking just for the camera or saying what people want to hear. In a political world that has long been full of people lying and speeches just to satisfy people, it is nice to hear the truth.


Social media, in terms of presidencies, hasn’t existed for that long. Obama used social media but you could tell that they were staged by social media experts. Some of Trump’s Tweets have been made by a correspondent but it is obvious that Trump still retains control of his Twitter account.

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Since trump was elected it is true that the stock market has fluctuated but it has had an average rise. So has the housing market and the rest of the economy. Not everyone has appreciated his economic policies, especially regarding foreign business, but they have boosted the power of everyone’s wealth.


Under Trump’s rule, the country has had multiple Republican judges put into place. The supreme court now has a more Republican presence and he also has placed 12 circuit court judges. This could affect law positively for years, or ages, to come.


The main part of Trump’s policy is that he wants to place America first before other countries. Better border enforcement and deportation of immigrants is a serious debate, but it helps to put poverty assistance programs and other government money towards citizens first. Something that can help reduce the amount of homeless people over time.

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Trade laws charging import fees for foreign companies also has this intention. President Trump wants to make labor jobs come back to the United States.


People have long expected that the US would go to war with North Korea, the tension of North Korea’s nuclear weapon program have scared people around the world. Countries such as Japan, that are within striking range, have held nuclear missile drills. Trump has succeeded in helping to put a stop to North Korea’s missile program (even if temporary).

Kim Jong-un is the first North Korean leader to step into South Korea in ages. This could put an end to the potential of war, all started with help from President Trump. A big step.


Especially recently we have learned that President Trump is willing to learn. His view on dreamers, allowing them to stay in the country, comes from an education on how these people have positively affected the country.

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Learning about climate change and a start to change his views on it, further shows his willingness to learn.

Around the world opinions of Donald Trump are quite mixed. He is our first president to have not been a political leader before taking office. He is a business leader. A change in presidential candidates has the potential to change how we are governed. To move away from lies and political backdoor dealing. So far, that is what we have seen.

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