Print media is a form of mass communications which produces and disseminates information and news to the public through various publications. This information and news are making accessible to the public through newspapers, magazines, and other printed form. Generally the public gets this information and views or images in electronic form, and/or pictures or illustrations in printed form. Print media has various applications and functions in modern day commercial world, but Print media is also an integral part of the traditional education system.

Newspapers are the most common and well known source of print media. It is an affordable source for any individual who wants to disseminate information to the wider audience. Newspapers carry all the latest news, reviews, sports events, entertainment and business news to keep the readers updated about the current affairs and events.

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Magazines are another widely used medium of mass communication. It carries the latest information on various topics of interest to the general public. This can be very useful in disseminating new product info to the general public. Many small and big companies take out bulk marketing ads from magazines and distribute them to their customers. This is an easy and effective method of promoting a business, services, brand etc. with print media.

Television is another mass communication medium, in which programs are aired to various viewers. It not only informs the audience but also to entertain them. Print media are easily noticeable when you are having television in your living room because of the colorful pictures and the catchy ads that constantly remind the audience of what they have watched. The TV ads and prints should have images or pictures that appeal to the audience and draw their attention.

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Online electronic media such as the internet is rapidly taking over the old forms of advertising such as yellow pages and radio ads. People nowadays find it more convenient to browse through sites instead of searching for a business by using the phone book. Promoters who are still using traditional print media for their promotions should make sure that their ads have links that will take the visitor to the company’s website or to their physical store.

Although there are some promoters who still use the traditional print media for advertising, most promoters nowadays prefer online advertising over offline advertising. Online electronic media has cheaper production costs compared to print advertising. Digital advertising is cheaper because you do not need to pay for the production and distribution of the ads. Another reason why digital advertising is more preferred by promoters is because the cost of placing an advertisement on the Internet is almost zero. Promoters can place advertisements in different places on the Internet like creating an image, inserting text, and then posting it to the website of the company.

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