Uric acid problems are far more common than people think. Our bodies do a lot of work on a daily basis. One of the byproducts of our metabolism is uric acid. Specifically, when our bodies breakdown purines, it produces uric acid as a result. Uric acid is very hard for the body to breakdown and normally is passed out through the urine.

When the levels of uric acid in our body start to rise it causes build up and a number of other problems, such as gout. Lowering your uric acid becomes important.

On the internet you will find many people trying to sell miracle cures for uric acid or trying to give bad advice on how to cure uric acid permanently. There are very few ways that you can permanently cure uric acid. The best way on how to cure uric acid permanently is to change your diet. Introducing the right foods and cutting out the wrong foods can significantly improve your uric acid problems for good.

You want to start by avoiding any foods with purines in them. Alcoholic beverages of all kinds are a big culprit but so are some fish and meats.

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Instead of purine rich food you want to invest in the right foods. Foods that contain good vitamins and minerals. One of the foods that many doctors recommend for those with high levels of uric acid is carrots.

Carrots are a superfood and very versatile. You can eat them raw or you can prepare them in any number of ways. Even combine them with other foods such as in a pasta sauce. Carrots are a superfood because of the high number of benefits they bring with them for the body. They are jam packed with fiber, vitamin K1, antioxidants, potassium, beta carotene, and vitamin C. They do have a number of carbohydrates, but the fiber helps to negate those.

The fiber in carrots really helps to lower uric acid in your bloodstream. Fiber works through the bloodstream and soaks up the uric acid. When the fiber is done, it expels the fiber and absorbed uric acid from your body. You want to not just eat carrots but eat more than you normally would. Carrots are great for you, so they are an even bigger benefit for that.

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Other high fiber foods can work well to help lower uric acid. The high levels of antioxidants in carrots further fights uric acid build ups. Antioxidants help to curb the production of uric acid in the body. Specifically, by helping to control the enzymes.

Those antioxidants also help to reduce pain in the joints that you might experience form the side effects of high uric acid such as gout.

Besides carrots you want to stack up other powerful foods with your uric acid busting food. Just one food will not do it alone. Let’s take a look at some of the other foods that will help lower uric acid permanently.

  • Cucumber
  • Berries
  • Olive Oil
  • Pinto Beans
  • Omega 3 Rich Food
  • Green Tea
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Other Fruits
  • Other Vegetables

Besides changing your diet, maintaining a healthy body weight helps you to control most of your body’s production. That includes the production of uric acid in the body. Working out regularly and making healthy life choices will help to make this easy.

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Some people will claim that it is near impossible to cure uric acid permanently but that isn’t true. Making the right changes to your lifestyle will help to get rid of excess uric acid. It isn’t about eliminating uric acid completely, just reducing the levels to those the body can handle. Check out on how you can cure uric acid permanently.

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